Drivers Training

Today we enjoyed the morning at Bishop Lake and headed home to pack up for the grand adventure. The kids made a tile project that we’ll come back to see later on display and we rolled out.

Andy asked if I wanted to drive home, so we did a Chinese Fire Drill and continued to the parking lot of Three Fires school for some driver’s training for me. I’ve pulled trailers before, but backing up is not my best skill set. The kids were dying of hunger in the back seat and the people there probably thought we were a bit odd, but I’ll rate myself a solid C. It might take me a lot of pulling forward and trying again, but I am getting the hang of it.

I had put off taking my mom to the cellular store to switch carriers and replace her disfunctional phone, so in true Deanna form we went on the last possible day I could go with her! It was not a smooth transaction, but it was nice to get in more time with her and my Dad. We ran through all the cat care items and the housekeeping items together and I am so grateful they live so close to take care of things for us!

We spent the evening gathering up movies, audio books, clearing memory cards and making sure we have everything digitally that we wanted to take. I guess you’re never really ready, but I’ll say we’re close!

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